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Rede ABRA & Rios de Encontro invite you to celebrate

II Good Living Forum : Performing Sustainability

Produced by the Brazilian Network of Arteducators (ABRA)
Moeda, Minas Gerais, 15-18 November, 2018
The Good Living Forum 2018 is a continuity from the 2017 Forum 2017, which occurred in Marabá (PA). It will be developed by ABRA in Moeda (MG), the only municipality in the region to refuse mining companies access to their resources. The city is a symbol of resilience. We hope the Forum contributes to Moeda turning into a symbol of Good Living. 
In 04 days of formation and exchange towards a sustainable world civilization, through artistic pedagogies and cultural action, we prioritize the preservation of the Amazon and all the biomes of the world which it regulates. However, we also prioritize the formation and voices of autonomous and creative young people, who are acting through networks.
II Good Living Forum (eng).jpg

Worldwide Wave


We are generating a glocal wave of solidarity for the Amazon. Cultural actions in solidarity with the River Tocantins and all the waters and forests on the planet, co-organized with young people and children, are already being posted as clips (30-60 seconds), poems, music, songs, photos, images etc. on Facebook (see worldwide wave of solidarity), and connected on our platform, generating waves of hope and proposals for the Forum of Wellbeing and the future.

Forum of Good-Life


This wave of solidarity will launch an arts-rich forum in Marabá, 31 August - 04 September, on a boat on the River Tocantins, exchanges between international, national and local partners that are already creating projects (in education, health, economics, leisure or security), powered by solar energy or other clean energies.

Network of Resources


In this way, you (here or from a distance) and communities in this region can participate in a symbolic action (worldwide wave), a collaborative project (forum), or exchange of resources (network), so that the Southeast of Pará can reimagine itself and contribute to the evolution of cities of wellbeing, free from the devastating exploitation by megaprojects, in . 

Worldwide Wave of Solidarity

Contributions of the world can be post with the hashtag #RiversOfCreativity

Cada Pororoca tem três momentos integrados - ação culturalpostagem na rede e articulação/interação. Para seu projeto participar desta ação em Rede, inscreva-se no formulário clicando aqui.

Timetable of participation


February - May 2017

Identify and invite networks and projects to participate in Rivers of Creativity

Send links/emails of projects about the future, relevant to Rivers of Creativity


From 05 June 2017 (World Environment Day)

Participate in the Worldwide Wave of Solidarity and post clips, poems, music, songs, fotos etc

(hashtag #RiosDeCriatividade)


31 August - 04 September 2017

Participate in the Forum of Good-Life

in Marabá or from a distance (sending clips, poems, songs, stories, etc: hashtag #RiosDeCriatividade

Detailed program in construction

©2017 Rede ABRA. Orgulhosamente criado com

Assine nossa lista para receber novidades.

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