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Rede ABRA & Rios de Encontro invite you to celebrate

Contexto do Fórum Bem Viver 2018

ABRA has been preparing this Forum since 2015, when it became the only national network based in the Amazon to win one of 10 national awards from Brazil’s Ministry of Culture. Our species faces an unprecedented choice in today’s global ecocide. The 'Networks of Creativity Project' sees the transformation of the mobile phone into an artistic and cultural resource of creative pedagogies as a key to that choice.


Transforming the addictive-isolating force of this powerful micro-technology of blind refuge in consumer fantasy is essential to preparing young people as leaders of a 'good living society'. The social media can contribute to the creation of models of inclusive, sustainable and democratic community governance, guided by collective, inter-dependent self-determination and the performance of human rights. 


This award acknowledged ABRA's contribution to this global paradigm project since its inception in 2005, applying the arts to demonstrate and advocate 'education for sustainability'. A mark of our IDEA 2010 World Congress and contributions to the World Alliance for Art Education, World Social Forum, Pan-Amazonian Social Forum and Latin American Network of Arts for Transformation is performance as pedagogy. 

Aims of the 2018 Good Living Forum:

1. Strengthen the Afro-Brazilian performance culture of the Chacrinha quilombo and reveal the potentials of Afro-, Indigenous- and Euro-Brazilian cultures as pedagogical resources for 'Education for Sustainability' through pre-Forum mini-courses and Forum workshops;

2. Bring 02 young people (16-24 years old) and 01 project coordinator from each of the 10 regions of ABRA, to present the methodologies and results of their Good Living project, through videos made with mobile phones, installations, workshops and performances;

3. Bring 20 Good Living project coordinators to exchange knowledge and develop media collaborations and actions, 16 from Brazil and 04 from New Zealand-Aotearea, to celebrate, question, strengthen and popularize their pedagogies;

Pedral do Lourenção, Rio Tocantins, Pará, Brasil

Expected outcomes of 2018 Good Living Forum:

1. A Good Living cultural project established in the Chacrinha quilombo; teachers and the Ministry of Education of Moeda, committed to artistic education and micro-technology for sustainability; 


2. Archive of 10 digital installations, 10 videos produced by young people; 10 videos of significant workshops and performances, and mini-courses and workshops held during the forum; videos of New Zealand pedagogies and performances;


3. Archives of dialogues among 20 Good Living project coordinators with key insights on their challenges and sustainable methodologies and achievements, accessible on our site

4. Use these resources and experiences to understand the manipulative and addictive power of the mobile phone, and how to transform it into pedagogical, documentary, communicative, and creative power;

5. To strengthen regional, national and international Good Living pedagogies and networks to cultivate trust in a contemporary paradigm alternative to the current predatory, self-destructive and authoritarian paradigm of unregulated competitive exploitation;


6. Strengthen the resilience of Moeda City, its communities and institutions, the only municipality in the region that refuses access to local, national and transnational mining companies, through the installation of solar panels in a state school for sustainable energies, and immersion in the Forum. 

4. A clear map of the origins of the dominant populist culture and mobile phone isolation, and pedagogical insights and methodologies to transform this technology into a creative and productive power to develop good living communities;


5. Regional, national and international living networks strengthened and challenged to integrate performance-based pedagogies;


6. Moeda City recognized by UNESCO as a Green City, twinned with a Green City in Europe; at least 04 solar panels installed in the Municipal School of Moeda, and a commitment to build a municipal strategy to develop a solar energy industry through local and international partnerships; and an international bridge built between New Zealand-Aetearoa and the Amazon, and ABRA's 10 regional projects

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