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Rede ABRA & Rios de Encontro invite you to celebrate

What is the Rivers of Creativity project?

Rivers of Creativity is the principal project (2017-18) of the Brazilian Network of Arteducators (ABRA), a national award from the Brazilian Ministry of Culture, in 2015. It aims to experience how to be an eco-cultural community being, based on two processes:  

Experience the eco-cultural potentials of artistic languages to develop popular culture, cultural identity and pedagogical capacity, create a sensitive, reflective and intercultural school territory, and learn how to create and care for this environment, in a sustainable creative network, in search of sustainable futures ; and  

Salvador 1
Sao Luis 1
Joinville 1

Experience the transformation of the cell phone from a powerful addictive microtechnology to an artistic-pedagogical resource for research, creation, reflection, collaboration, documentation and intercultural advocacy, for children, youth, parents and teachers, to share these experiences among 10 micro-regional centres of ABRA, towards the celebration of a paradigm of community school formation.

©2017 Rede ABRA. Orgulhosamente criado com

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