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Rede ABRA & Rios de Encontro invite you to celebrate

Participate in the Network

This Network of Projects is composed of very different projects, contexts, histories and focuses, however united by exemplary practices, of a paradigm of sustainable cooperation. We have projects from the South and Southeast of Pará and from the Brazilian Amazon which participated in the 1º Good Living Forum in 2017, and from the Pan-Amazon, from the other regions of Brazil, from Europe, Africa, the Pacific and North America, who today participate from a distance and in person, to reinvent the future.

Our collaborators

Florianópolis (SC) partner : Padre Achieta Junior School

Padre Anchieta Primary School, Florianópolis (SC)

Water, health and quality of life: a gaze, an action to change and intervene.

The Project is interdisciplinary and uses the mobile phone to carry out interviews by the pupils of people from the city about the importance of water in sports activities, in the life of each person, and in its consumption, conscious of good living.

Contact: Valeria Florentino (

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São Luis, Maranhão Partner : Grupo Xama Teatro

Location of action:  São José de Ribamar Education Centre

Title: Paths from gazes to voice

Instigate, disturb, provoke revealing estrangement, searching through dialogues and creative provocations, to reveal the spaces of affections, immersed in the daily school life of young people in the São José de Ribamar Education Centre. Understanding the school as a living organism, inserted in the community, with its beauties, challenges, violences and despairs.

Contact: Renata Figueiredo (


Brasília (DF) partner : Sun-Hut Group  

Title: Threading the net of connections – Creating mobilization through the Serrinha waters.

Creation of an environment of subjective diversity, through the sensitive gaze at the Serrinha do Paranoá nature, part of urban expansion and the destruction of river-sources, using students mobile phones to map the local river-sources, building networks of connection between the school and the community, transforming gazes and perspectives into ecological action.


Contact: Maicon Braúna (

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Joinville (SC) partner :  Dom Helder Centre Group

Place of activity: Dom Helder Centre

Title: 1000 Reasons for Living

The Program 1000 Reasons for Living is an action carried out by the Dom Helder Centre for Care and Capacitation of Youth and by the Maria da Graça Braz Centre for Human Rights, and towards the community articulation and organization to promote, articulate and value actions to promote and protect life.

Contact: Daniel Tomazoni (

Salvador (BA) partner : Arco3capoeira Group

Place of activity: Vale de Matatu Community

Title: Afrolimp: selective collection of waste

Afrolimp is a mobile phone training applicative game which aims for selective collection of waste. In this game, each player receives a task depending on their level in the hierarchy, which involved actions related to the collective selection of waste and the preservation of the environment.

Contact: Luis Carlos de Santos (

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São Paulo (SP) partner : Group of Youth from MTST

Place of activity: Jardim Ângela – Zona Sul – São Paulo (SP)

Title: We, Magdalenas Collective

Carrying out the visual experiences in audiovisual which look at aspects of the memories and desires of MSTS youth. Through an affective cartography carried out within dimensions of the territory, where the youth are stimulated to value, and to transform into images, the elements of the territory which make up their daily universe.

Contact: Natalie Lima Hornos (

Marabá (PA) partner : Rivers of Meeting, AfroRaiz Collective of arteducators

Place of activity: Cabelo Seco Community, Marabá (PA)

Title: Reading the Amazon through the dancing kite

Community reading of the vulnerability, resilience and sustainability of the Amazon on the banks of the River Tocantins, its sky and surfaces, through kite-making and play, involving 140 children and adolescents. The festival celebrates the ecological literacy of the riverside community. Ends with a new video!  

Contact: Manoela Souza (


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